"Saturday Night Live" (SNL) is a sketch comedy show created by Lorne Michaels that debuted on October 11, 1975 on NBC. Featuring a large cast of comedians, the show consists of mostly live ...
"Saturday Night Live" is having a 50th anniversary, and things are happening ... Looking back, the series did get off to a rough start but came into focus fairly quickly. Early classics include Radner ...
“Saturday Night Live” is having a 50th anniversary, and things are happening. Premiering Jan. 27 on NBC, “Ladies & Gentlemen ... 50 Years of SNL Music,” co-directed by Questlove and Oz ...
(Brody claimed the same honor over Chalamet at the Golden Globes.) Chalamet previously hosted Saturday Night Live in December 2020 and November 2023, with a cameo appearance in April 2021.