Lily Allen and Miquita Oliver takes us back to the 00s with a curated playlist of hits. 6 Music 00s Forever... The Knife, Interpol, Deftones, Peaches and more. 6 Music 00s Forever special with ...
Carefully curated list of awesome creative coding resources primarily for beginners/intermediates.
光立方作为一种新型的裸眼3D显示技术,用户不需要配戴任何观看辅助工具就能达到裸眼3D显示的效果,给人们带来了全新的视觉体验。本文设计一种基于语音控制的3D动态显示系统,采用LD3320非特定人声语音识别芯片以及STM32F407作为光立方核心控制器 ...
The Eda Davara Marine Sanctuary, a project dedicated to protecting marine resources in Central Province, is hosting its Gala Night as a fundraiser to build a vital Wet Laboratory.