In most fields, corn residue remaining after grain harvest is incorporated into the soil with tillage or is left on the soil surface. But corn residue is also becoming a commodity. It’s ...
This publication will discuss symptoms of the disease, the disease cycle, and management recommendations. Primary infections by C. sojina originate from infested soybean residue or seed. The fungus ...
The type of residue the microbes need to break down makes a big difference in rates needed. Soybeans are 30/1, corn 60/1 and wheat is 100/1 carbon to nitrogen ratios to. “Some call soybean ...
“Second, Reclaim helps farmers capture all the nutrients built up inside that crop residue. All those corn stalks or soybean fodder have a lot of nutrition bound up in them that can be released ...
The proposal would end the use of the widely used pesticide, which has been linked to nervous system damage, on all but 11 ...
Hughes, University of Minnesota Extension The new University of Minnesota publication “Conservation Tillage Systems for Corn Following Soybeans” was developed to assist producers ...
CeraMax contains the active ingredient Natamycin, a biological molecule produced by soil bacteria that prevents soil-borne ...