这就导致人们难以反对那些他们不喜欢的政治决定。制造过多的新闻给传媒和人们去消化,叫做 flooding the zone。史提芬‧班农,就是唐纳德‧特朗普第一任期当总统时的首席策略长,于2018年发明了这个词语。他说特朗普身为共和党人,需要「讯息淹没战术」(flood the ...
现年49岁的Kalu Zhang是时装设计师,她表示,家庭生活和婚姻生活曾让她迷失过自己。 Source: SBS / Nicole Gong 在墨尔本的一场“和自己结婚”的活动中,13位身着白纱的女性步入婚礼殿堂,宣誓与自己相伴终生。 一场“和自己结婚”的活动吸引了13名华人女性参与,她们中有人单身、有人已婚、也有人离异。 墨尔本大学文化研究学者马嘉兰(Fran Martin)教授指出,“嫁给自 ...
A team of investors led by Musk on Monday submitted a 97.4-billion-U.S.-dollar bid to buy the nonprofit that controls OpenAI. The Musk-led team positioned the move as an effort to refocus OpenAI on ...
点击蓝字关注我们The two-day Artificial Intelligence Action summit in France endedyesterday with calls for inclusive and responsible ...
"An Australian drug trial was aborted after a number of jurors admitted spending up to half of the time playing Sudoku puzzles," 澳大利亚一起贩毒案件的审理被法官取消,因为好几位陪审员都承认,案件审理过程中一半时间都在玩Sudoku数独游戏。
Hello,亲爱的学生们!今天,我们要学习的词是abort。音标 [əˈbɔːrt],这个单词的意思是中途放弃、停止。例如:"The commander decided to abort the mission due to the intelligence leak," 由于情报泄露,指挥官临时决定取消这次行动。"The flight was aborted because of the sno ...
China has placed great emphasis on the development of new energy. By the end of 2024, its installed capacity of new energy generation has reached approximately 1.41 billion kilowatts, accounting for ...
Scientists researching Alpine glaciers store ice in Antarctica. By analysing air bubbles in the ice they may be able to predict the future ...
An explosion hits the port of Beirut, destroying a large part of Lebanon's capital. A Lebanese film crew decide to continue shooting their movie in a nation struggling with economic turmoil and societ ...