it is quite natural to use any with singular uncountable nouns. So in your example, Esther, any query - meaning any kind of query - is a justifiable alternative to any queries: If you have any ...
Few is for countable nouns and little is for uncountable nouns. Their meanings change with a. Understanding this helps in correct usage. Tap to read.
Higher Tier - use partitive articles with uncountable nouns, such as water, to mean some or any. The partitive article changes depending on whether the noun it goes with is masculine, feminine ...
Sometimes a noun looks like it should be plural when it isn’t. Chances are that this noun is called a mass noun. Mass nouns are nouns that, by their very nature, are plural. These are also called ...
For example, an empty glass or ... quantitative if it includes a countable or uncountable factor. Several, few and infinite are all ways to describe nouns with cumulative amounts.