However, dairy milk does have some natural sugar in it. So unsweetened almond milk, for example, may not be sweet enough if you're making something that's relying on that tinge of sugar.
Unsweetened varieties, especially almond milk, cut calorie counts way down. It's not just those who are lactose intolerant who are making the switch. So what exactly is almond milk and how is it made?
Oat and almond milk have many similarities, especially when compared to cow's milk. Both are unsweetened plant-based milk alternatives that are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals.
Unsweetened matcha tea: 3 calories per gram (essentially a zero-calorie option as it's so low) Turmeric milk: Calories depend ...
Mix in the oats, almond milk, yogurt, chia seeds, protein powder, maple syrup, and almond butter in a 16-ounce mason jar.