To carry out real-time PCR, researchers have to choose not only what primers to design (see Box 2) but also what detection chemistry to use. In many cases these decisions will be influenced ...
PCR-Machines are based on Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and produce copies of genes exponentially. The PCR cycling reactions are carried out in an automated thermocycler, which is capable of ...
Coamplification at lower denaturation temperature (COLD)-PCR is a PCR-based application that preferentially enriches the amplification of mutants and variants throughout the course of ...
7 18 19 In the current study, we were able to rapidly screen for the detection of the virus genome of all eight types of human herpes viruses by using several different primer pairs. When positive ...
In this study, three pairs of specific primers and probes targeting the ASFV B646L gene, F1055L gene, and E183L gene were designed to detect universal, genotype I, and genotype II strains, ...
Figure 1. Schematic overview of the MTA-seq workflow used in this study. Primer pairs (443) were designed to generate amplicons harboring one known SNP. Highly multiplexed PCR was conducted with the ...
Design degenerated primers on highly variable alignments for full genome sequencing or qPCR. Specifically developed for viruses.
Real-time PCR (qPCR) is the gold-standard for sensitive, specific detection and quantification of nucleic acid targets through fluorescence-based techniques. TaqMan assays and SYBR Green dye are two ...
A Sanger sequencing reaction is run with a single primer. The following table lists the recommended amount of DNA template and primer for optimal Sanger sequencing results. Note: for plasmid DNA the ...
North Carolina State University researchers continue to push the field of plant disease diagnosis forward, developing ...
Primers were designed and developed for analysing Desulfovibrio populations in the bowel using real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Conclusions: Real time PCR analysis of desulfovibrios was an ...