Jumping spiders (Salticidae), aka the epitome of cute spiders, at their biggest ½ inch size, may fool arachnophobes into thinking they've chanced upon a still-maturing wolf spider before it's ...
I hate spiders. Be it in real life or up on the big screen, they freak the hell out of me, and even merely thinking about one crawling up my leg sends shivers down my spine. Because of this phobia ...
Size: About half an inch Location ... They are brown, hairy spiders similar to the American Wolf spider in appearance but larger and far more toxic. Hundreds of people are bitten yearly by ...
You're more likely to spot egg sacs than the spider eggs themselves. Spider egg sacs (not "egg sacks") are small, round or teardrop-shaped bundles made of silk. They're often white, cream or pale ...
The grass spider is one of of the most common critters you'll find in your backyard. Part of the Agelenopsis genus, these arachnids are masters at building funnel-shaped webs in dense vegetation and ...
They are sometimes also called giant crab spiders due to their stance and size. These harmless spiders make large symmetrical orb-shaped white webs spanning several feet between bushes and trees. The ...
Spiders are some of the most common creatures we share our homes with. While they may seem scary at first, most house spider species are harmless and even helpful, keeping pest insects under control.