Since Mutukula became a 24-hour One Stop Border Post in 2017, there has been a marked increase in both cargo and passenger traffic between Uganda and its neighbouring countries. ;Therefore, in ...
Tuesday midmorning at Dololo Dokatu village in Marsabit. Seeds of Gold meets Qabale Bonaya and Guyo Dida in their banana plantations. The duo cannot hide their excitement about eating the fruits from ...
When the thick canopy opens up and new shoots pop up on the forest floor, elephants would come and feed. As their massive frames move through the grounds, like a bulldozer at work, they create new ...
Despite the numerous difficulties faced by the local banana sector, the Philippines was able to maintain its status as the world’s second-largest exporter of the tropical fruit for the fourth ...
said the problem started when banana plantations in Johor were infected by Panama disease. “The disease only attacks pisang nipah while other varieties such as pisang nangka and pisang tanduk ...
On Tuesday evening, a herd of about 15 elephants entered the agricultural fields of Bodabandla and Veluturichenu villages, causing damage to standing banana plantations. Farmers voiced their ...
Fusarium Wilt is a soil-borne disease that threatens banana plantations worldwide. It is challenging to manage and control. Symptoms include yellowing on the edges of older leaves, which then turn ...