侯昂妤大校的慎战三原则:1不先挑起战争,2必胜的战争才考虑打,3遇意外事件先沟通。 充分彰显出中华民族自古爱好和平和对战争的慎重态度,以及处理战争问题的聪明智慧! 二千多年前,《孙子兵法》就提出了“慎战”的思想,在火攻篇中,孙武指出开明 ...
Oyesoji Aremu, have called for interrogations and circumspection in the proposed 12-4 educational model by the Federal Government. It would be recalled that the federal government had proposed a ...
The Democratic Front (TDF) says the approval of a university in Ogoniland is a statement of intent by the Federal Government to the people to heal long-standing grievances against the government.