2月7日消息,外媒援引知情人士消息称,苹果公司预计最快下周发布新一代iPhone SE,或本月晚些时候开始发售。 报道称,苹果公司不太可能为这款设备召开发布会,而是会通过官网直接发布。 根据公开爆料,新一代iPhone SE的正面设计类似基础款iPhone 14,屏幕将升级6.06英寸的OLED显示屏,搭载A18芯片,运行内存至少8GB,存储容量128GB起步,以支持苹果的个人智能化系统苹果智能。
2月7日消息,近日,一则关于老照片变成实况照片(Live Photo)的消息迅速登上了微博热搜,阅读量壮观地突破了2800万,掀起了网友们的热烈讨论。有网友翻出十年前妈妈用iPhone 6拍摄的老照片,惊讶地发现这些静态图像似乎“复活”成了动态影像。 对于这一情景,苹果客服及时做出了澄清。他们表示,实况照片的功能是从iPhone 6S及更高版本才开始支持的,而iPhone ...
快科技2月7日消息,今日,词条#为什么苹果能把十年前的照片变成live#登上微博热搜,词条阅读量超2800万,引起网友热议。 有网友表示,翻到十年前妈妈用iPhone 6拍的老照片,疑变成了live图(实况照片)。
Since 2022, anticipation for Apple's next iPhone SE release has been steadily growing, and the wait may soon come to an end.
In today's video, a couple of friends and I find some awesome river treasure while snorkeling in the river. We found a ...
A motion from Richard Allen’s defense team prompted a response from the prosecution — and led to the release of crime scene ...
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Apple’s iPhone SE series has always been a go-to option for those wanting a taste of the iOS experience without the hefty price tag. As rumors are now swirling about the fourth-generation iPhone SE, ...
Apple launched the iPhone 14 in 2022, and its local launch price was a bit of a shocker. At R20,599 the iPhone 14 cost nearly 83% of the average monthly salary in South Africa. The average monthly ...