复旦大学附属中山医院等多单位的研究人员 Linnan Li、Hao Cheng 等人在《Cell Death Discovery》期刊上发表了题为 “METTL3 regulates autophagy of hypoxia - induced cardiomyocytes by targeting ATG7” 的论文。该研究揭示了 METTL3 ...
From being a promising yet underexplored approach in the 1990s, mRNA therapeutics have evolved dramatically. The discovery of ...
白内障是一种晶状体蛋白质发生异常聚集并导致晶状体混浊的眼科疾bing,是全球最常见的致盲原因之一。电子时代的迅猛发展不得不引起我们对眼睛健康的重视。目前的治~疗手段主要依赖手术切除浑浊的晶状体,但其高昂的费用及手术风险使得非手术治~疗手段的开发显得尤为重要。近期,浙江大学医学院附属第二医院眼科中心联合美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)国家眼科研究所(NEI)在《The Journal of Clinic ...
Wall Street is off to a volatile start in 2025, with investors stepping on the sell pedal after last week's jobs data, followed by a sharp about-face in sentiment following Wednesday's consumer ...
Moderna's mRNA technology gained rapid validation as sales of its covid vaccine soared in 2021 and 2022, but we think the firm has yet to secure a narrow economic moat around its business ...
Melis­sa Moore helped ush­er in the first mR­NA med­i­cines, but the for­mer Mod­er­na ex­ec­u­tive thinks there’s still a lot of room for im­prove­ment.
But scientists at Moderna are in the late stages of testing what could be the first such shot, using mRNA technology against the virus. Here’s what to know about norovirus and where things stand ...
先前的研究策略大多通过多肽模拟再感染事件来实现局部癌症免疫治疗,但其疗效通常受到多肽表位长度的限制。随着mRNA技术在新冠疫苗研发中取得突破性进展,基于mRNA的疗法展现出靶点丰富、安全性高、研发周期短等优势。因此,利用mRNA技术重启机体的免疫 ...
RT-qPCR was performed using a GeneAmp PCR System 9700 (ABI ... thus it should be avoided in normalizing mRNA levels in follicles of hens. The expressive disciplinarian of genes can be conducive to ...
Russia claims a breakthrough in cancer treatment with a personalized mRNA vaccine, designed to train the immune system to target and destroy cancer cells. However, detailed scientific data ...