Amber Dance, Ph.D., an award-winning freelance science journalist based in Southern California, co-authors the Center's Health Divide column. She also contributes to publications including PNAS Front ...
Nada Hassanein is a health care reporter for Stateline with a focus on inequities. Previously, she was a USA TODAY reporter focusing on environmental and health inequities. Previously, she was a ...
Letitia Stein joined the Philadelphia Inquirer as health and science editor in April 2022. Previously, she was a national investigative reporter for USA TODAY focusing on health care. As a 2021 Center ...
Dana Ullman was born in San Francisco and grew up in the Pacific Northwest. She is a U.S.-based independent photojournalist and writer works internationally with a commitment to humanizing statistics ...
Laura Santhanam is a Washington D.C.-based health reporter and coordinating producer for polling for PBS NewsHour, and a 2023 Senior Fellow for the Center for Health Journalism’s National Fellowship.
Elizabeth Gabriel is an enterprise health reporter for WFYI and Side Effects Public Media — a regional collaboration among Midwest public radio stations. As a former education reporter at the station, ...
Inés Rénique is a Peruvian-American audio journalist. She is an associate producer at VICE, producing El hilo, a weekly Spanish-language podcast covering global news with a focus on Latin America.