La settimana scorsa, il Cluster Audiovisivo di Madrid ha organizzato una conferenza alla quale hanno partecipato più di 160 ...
The Madrid Audiovisual Cluster, in collaboration with CaixaBank and CREA SGR, held an economic forum on 28 January which was ...
04/02/2025 - El Clúster Audiovisual de Madrid organizó la semana pasada una jornada a la que acudieron más de 160 ...
Germany’s government increases support for film and series productions, enhancing its competitiveness in the international co ...
Guy Ritchie’s upcoming film strengthens its cast with three new stars, diving deeper into the power dynamics of the British ...
04/02/2025 - Il nuovo documentario del regista, che esplora il tema dell'approvvigionamento energetico, inizia un tour di ...
04/02/2025 - La cinéaste Ellen Vermeulen s’inscrit dans la trace de Marie-Louise Chapelle, première Française à avoir ouvert ...
04/02/2025 - Il regista ci spiega cosa ha significato per lui incontrare una comunità che ha scelto di trasformare il dolore ...
The director explains what it meant to him to meet a community which has chosen to turn pain into joy and how filming bodies ...
Finnish studio Gigglebug Entertainment secures backing from major European broadcasters for its new animated series designed ...
With The Safe House by Lionel Baier in spearhead, but also, amongst others, new films by Joachim Trier, Kleber Mendonça Filho ...
04/02/2025 - Avec La Cache de Lionel Baier en fer de lance, mais aussi entre autres les prochains Joachim Trier, Kleber ...