Uma pesquisa do Departamento de Investigação, Estudos, Avaliação e Estatística francês, publicado nesta quinta-feira (23), mostra que a volta ao trabalho do pai e da mãe marca a persistência das desig ...
En plena carrera por la presidencia del Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI), el francés David Lappartient manifestó su deseo de reunirse con el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump y afirmó, en ...
Saudi Arabia's top diplomat, on his country's first high-level visit to Beirut after years of strained ties, said Thursday that he believed crisis-hit Lebanon's new leaders could spearhead ...
Le procureur Karim Khan a annoncé, jeudi 23 janvier, avoir requis des mandats d'arrêt contre le chef des talibans, Haibatullah Akhundzada, et le président de la Cour suprême, Abdul Hakim Haqqani. C'es ...
L'équipe de France de handball s'est qualifiée pour les quarts de finale du Mondial avant même son dernier match du tour principal après une nouvelle victoire convaincante et aisée, jeudi contre ...
What struck those who knew Khalida Jarrar when she exited the bus with 77 other Palestinians released from Israeli jails was the whiteness of her hair and her broken voice.
En France, un composé chimique, l'acide trifluoroacétique (TFA), a été retrouvé dans l'eau potable d'une large majorité des villes où il a été recherché. C'est le résultat d'une étude, menée par l'ass ...
Several US states have reached a $7.4 billion settlement with the Sackler family and their pharmaceutical company Purdue over the opioid crisis that has ravaged the lives of millions of Americans, ...
Marco Rubio will pay his first trip as US secretary of state to Central American nations including Panama, where President Donald Trump has threatened to seize the Panama Canal, a spokeswoman said ...