Amena Chaudhry produces her sourdough bread the traditional way, using a sourdough starter that goes back five generations.
Dear Concerned, Most doctors agree that people with moderate to severe dementia should never get behind the wheel, but in the early stages of Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia, driving ...
Moorhead Area Public Schools and Family HealthCare partnered to launch a school-based health clinic (SBHC) located inside the Moorhead High School Career Academy. The clinic opened in September with a ...
The Clay County Board of Commissioners agreed to provide a letter of support for the Moorhead Center Mall Redevelopment Tax Increment Finance district extension from five to 10 years on Tuesday in ...
For more information about planning your garden or local assistance please contact Clay County Extension Educator Jillian Patrie at 218-299-7338 or [email protected]. Comments are closed.
With this recent cold snap and certainly more to follow what could be better than a quilt? It’s a pleasure to shine some warmth on a ground that has warmed so many veterans with quilts. Recently I ...
Eleven men who have worked for the city of Moorhead for from 25 to 35 years were honored by Mayor Shelly Carlson at Monday’s regular meeting of the City Council. (From left) Carlson, Tom Sopp, Darsey ...
Moorhead City Council. Sean Brandenburger was named to succeed director Holly Heitkamp as head of the Department of Parks and Recretaion at Monday’s meeting of the Moorhead City ...