Upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC) is an aggressive disease that is challenging to biopsy and diagnose, frequently yielding nondiagnostic cytology and tissue specimens. Therefore, UTUC is often ...
Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has apologised after couples were told their unborn babies had genetic abnormalities ...
Carly Wesson and her partner Carl Everson ended their pregnancy at 14 weeks in January 2019 after doctors at Nottingham ...
Two women aborted healthy babies because they were wrongly told their offspring would have serious genetic conditions, an ...
The stories of two couples who were wrongly told their unborn child had fetal abnormalities - and what happened next. It is a ...
It took more than 50 years for Marthe Gautier to set the record straight about her discovery of the genetic cause of Down ...
The hormonal changes that accompany perimenopause cause changes to the menstrual cycle pattern, and some have suggested there can be a “surge” in fertility at perimenopause. But there’s no evidence ...
Apart from the increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities, advanced maternal age also increases the risk of stillbirth, ...
Could science help prevent birth defects? This National Birth Defects Awareness Month, here's the breakthrough every couple ...
The study found that Prequel ® Prenatal Screen with AMPLIFY™ technology enables reliable results as early as eight-weeks’ gestation. Typically, prenatal cell-free DNA (pcfDNA) screening is offered ...
Researchers have successfully engineered bi-paternal mice, born from two male parents, that survived to adulthood using embryonic stem cell techniques.