Akira Toriyama, the influential manga artist who created the Dragon Ball anime franchise, died March 1 due to an acute subdural hematoma - blood clots on the brain that usually form after an injury.
Heritage’s October 18-22 The Art of Anime and Everything Cool...Volume V Signature® Auction brought in $2.964 million, with more than 6,000 bidders and all lots sold. If there is an indelible image ...
The Dragon Ball Super Gallery, for those who might not be familiar, first began in 2021, with the ball getting rolling with ...
Featuring revolutionary robot paintings by Akira Kanayama (1924-2006) and foot paintings by Kazuo Shiraga (1924-2008) Fergus McCaffrey Tokyo will present an exhibition that celebrates the centennial ...
Japanese manga artist Toriyama Akira — creator of "Dragon Ball" and "Dr. Slump" — captivated generations of fans, transforming graphic storytelling around the globe. His influence was ...
Louie Freeman looks at how, following a personal crisis later in his life, Akira Kurosawa’s film making style and the meanings behind his films changed dramatically to provide a fitting ending to his ...
Hailing from Portsmouth, five piece hardcore dub steppers SEETHING AKIRA are a highly motivated band who are determined to show the world their style. These guys breathe new life into an ...
Acclaimed manga artist Akira Toriyama, creator of the global hits “Dragon Ball” and “Dr. Slump,” died on March 1 due to acute subdural hematoma, according to his publisher Shueisha Inc. He ...
Akira Toriyama, the Japanese manga artist who created the incredibly popular Dragon Ball and Dr. Slump series, has died. He was 68. Toriyama died March 1 from an acute subdural hematoma ...