Acclaimed manga artist Akira Toriyama, creator of the global hits “Dragon Ball” and “Dr. Slump,” died on March 1 due to acute subdural hematoma, according to his publisher Shueisha Inc.
Over five days and more than 2000 lots, Heritage’s October 18-22 The Art of Anime and Everything Cool...Volume V Signature® Auction brought in $2.964 million, with more than 6,000 bidders and all lots ...
Featuring revolutionary robot paintings by Akira Kanayama (1924-2006) and foot paintings by Kazuo Shiraga (1924-2008) Fergus McCaffrey Tokyo will present an exhibition that celebrates the centennial ...
Akira Toriyama, the influential manga artist who created the Dragon Ball anime franchise, died March 1 due to an acute subdural hematoma - blood clots on the brain that usually form after an injury.
Japanese manga artist Toriyama Akira — creator of "Dragon Ball" and "Dr. Slump" — captivated generations of fans, transforming graphic storytelling around the globe. His influence was ...
Hailing from Portsmouth, five piece hardcore dub steppers SEETHING AKIRA are a highly motivated band who are determined to show the world their style. These guys breathe new life into an ...
Louie Freeman looks at how, following a personal crisis later in his life, Akira Kurosawa’s film making style and the meanings behind his films changed dramatically to provide a fitting ending to his ...