The co-founder and co-CEO of Daily Wire criticized Joy Reid for claiming that conservative host Ben Shapiro is funded by “oligarchs” — while the anti-Trump MSNBC host rakes in millions from ...
Data doesn’t support the podcaster's views, as many companies are experiencing growth in their aggregate wealth but don’t ...
MSNBC host Joy Reid said on Wednesday that Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro was “funded by oligarchs.” MSNBC Reid’s comments prompted a response from Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing.
The co-founder and co-CEO of Daily Wire criticized Joy Reid for claiming that conservative host Ben Shapiro is funded by “oligarchs” — while the anti-Trump MSNBC host rakes in millions from the ...
It doesn’t matter if the president is “serious” about leveling Gaza and removing its people. It shouldn’t be considered a ...
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): It means that now they are no longer asking just for a clean CR, which, again, would have been the best plan. Just get for a few more weeks of spending. That's it. Get Trump in ...
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): This is why when people on the right use the phrase Christian nationalism, people on the left hear, ah, we're talking about religious fascism. Well, no, when people say ...
Conservative podcaster Ben Shapiro pulled no punches on his show Monday in urging the American right and the MAGA movement to “dump” Andrew Tate, following Trump’s lawyer and spokesperson ...