“Beast Games,” the reality competition series from YouTube personality MrBeast, is now Amazon Prime Video‘s most-watched unscripted series ever. The series achieved that by reaching 50 ...
Speaking to Kinda Funny Games, Yoshida said that he thinks FromSoftware director Hidetaka Miyazaki personally wants to return to Bloodborne as he is quite passionate about the game that he and the ...
The channel is known for its over-the-top stunts and contests, and that ethos carries over to Beast Games, in which a 1,000 contestants compete for a $5 million prize. The series is also the ...
So as far as I'm concerned, that's definitely not something I'd be opposed to." Bloodborne key art shows a beast hunter in Yharnam. Sony has refused to comment on why it hasn't updated the game ...
Veteran PlayStation exec Shuhei Yoshida has explained why he believes the popular PS4 From Software title Bloodborne hasn’t been properly brought to PS5 yet. Speaking in his first interview since ...
Bloodborne came out over eight years ago. No FromSoftware game has lived more rent-free in the minds of all the studio’s fans. A sequel to the Sony-published PlayStation 4 exclusive seems like ...
It has been many years since we last heard anything about a new Bloodborne game, despite there clearly being demand for one. And I am not just talking about a brand new game under the Bloodborne ...