WHEN an acid phosphate is applied to a soil containing calcium carbonate or mixed with liming material a reaction will occur leading to the formation of more basic phosphates such as dicalcium ...
FOR the analysis of the nitrate content of sea water, and for certain tests on alkaloids, it is necessary to have sulphuric acid free from all but the most minute amounts of nitric acid.
Among the chemicals recovered were acetone, toluene, hydrochloric acid, sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate, sulfuric acid, bromine water, and ethanol. The team also found equipment used for drug ...
The team recovered 80.96 kg and 7.5 litres of chemicals, including acetone, toluene, hydrochloric acid, sodium sulphate, sodium carbonate, sulphuric acid, bromine water, ethanol, and others ...
The team recovered 80.96 kg and 7.5 litres of chemicals, including acetone, toluene, hydrochloric acid, sodium sulphate, sodium carbonate, sulphuric acid, bromine ...
To avoid these pitfalls, we recommend (1) incorporating high-dosage test plots into ERW trials that avoid reapplication of rock powders that replenish initially fast reactivity, (2) screening rock ...
Joint International Research Laboratory of Atmospheric and Earth System Research, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China National Observation and Research Station ...
Phase 5 would consist of a 3,000 t/d sulfuric acid plant and a brine plant to supplement feed to the processing plants of Phases 1 through 4, to maintain their nominal production capacity at ...
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden Wallenberg Wood Science Center, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 ...
[SMM Analysis: Significant MoM Increase in Sulphuric Acid Exports in November, Further Growth Expected in December] According to customs data, China exported a total of 256,200 mt of sulphuric acid in ...