Drought continues to deepen its grip across the Corn Belt, with Iowa and Illinois seeing some big jumps in the moderate and severe drought categories. As dry conditions expand, it’s also ...
Drought continues to expand its grip across the Corn Belt. Last week, 34% of the U.S. corn crop was covered in drought, and this week it jumped to 45%. The second crop conditions ratings of the ...
The worst drought in more than 50 years is also playing a role. As it was four years ago during another election year, corn ethanol is once again the focal point for heated exchange in the U.S ...
Dead vines in the region around Los Andes in the western catchment area of Aconcagua, a region that has been particularly hard hit by the ongoing drought in Chile. Advanced Search Home ...
The most critical period for the formation of corn grain yield begins about 10 days before the start of silking and lasts for about 24 days. Drought and other stresses during this period will ...
"We lost about 50 trees totally to drought, completely dead, and then another 80 are super stressed. It is sad, and a lot of people love the pecans, so it's hard." While the Rascoe Pecan crop may ...
(KDKA) — While the drought has been wreaking havoc on farmers, leaving fields brown and dead, on Christmas tree ... says that while crops like corn have been affected by the drought, it hasn ...
Argentina’s corn 2021/22 crop has now been estimated at less than the 48 million tons of just a few weeks ago, according to the Rosario grains exchange, because a severe drought has slashed yields.
The town has been hit by a recent drought. The dry weather has forced grains exchanges in Argentina, the world's top exporter of soy oil and meal and the No. 3 for corn, to cut their forecasts for ...