Report on the Sea and Inland Fisheries for the Year 19S9. Dublin, Published by the Stationery Office). The increased landings in 1939 were due to heavier catches of demersal fish by the stream ...
Negotiations over state-managed groundfish harvest, including proposals to open up demersal shelf rockfish fishing, sped by on the third day of the Alaska Board of Fisheries’ Southeast Alaska/Yakutat ...
and Oceana Chile jointly announced the freezing of the fishing footprint for the common hake and demersal crustacean fisheries. This means that 98% of Chile's exclusive economic zone, EEZ ...
Ministers agreed to substantial reductions in fishing efforts for trawlers to protect demersal species—fish living near the seabed—in Spanish, French, and Italian waters. Currently ...
Dr. Canales was supported by INIDEP researchers from the Austral and Sub Antarctic Demersal Fisheries program and the first debate was abundance indexes and the assessment of the current ...