An instructional short aimed at school-aged children of the early 1950s that combines animation and live-action footage with voice-over narration to explain what to do to increase their chances of ...
Duck-and-cover drills are the element of civil defense that survives in the public memory, but in fact civil defense was a wide-ranging multi-billion-dollar program that spanned every decade of ...
Most famously, the FCDA popularized the cartoon figure Bert the Turtle, star of comic-book pamphlets and short classroom films such as Duck and Cover. The amiable Bert demonstrated to kids how ...
Mike Leigh’s “Hard Truths” invites you to spend an hour and a half with the most insufferable woman in the world. (If you personally know a worse one, my condolences.) That the ...
Mike Leigh’s “Hard Truths” invites you to spend an hour and a half with the most insufferable woman in the world. (If you personally know a worse one, my condolences.) That the ...
Mike Leigh’s “Hard Truths” invites you to spend an hour and a half with the most insufferable woman in the world. (If you personally know a worse one, my condolences.) That the unpleasantness turns ...