One goal mentioned was increasing baseload power generation to help reduce electric bills for individuals and businesses as ...
The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, or IURC, gave approval for an increase of $395.7 million a year for rates and ...
After the big rally in utilities, the bullish themes are growing tired.
The latest trading day saw Duke Energy (DUK) settling at $111.31, representing a -1.16% change from its previous close.
Highlights Western North Carolina-based organizations encouraged to apply for a $25,000 grant before Feb. 17 Announcement builds on previous $2.2 million commitment for disaster relief, rebui. . .
Duke Energy’s tree giveaway encourages Floridians to plant the right tree in the right place to keep the power flowing ...
Duke Energy crews and grid operators successfully managed record-breaking power usage while generating and delivering reliable service to customers during an extended period of sustained cold temperat ...