Walking, a simple and widely available exercise, provides powerful benefits for the whole body, including the growth plates ...
Epiphyseal injuries are usually due to shearing and avulsion forces, although compression also plays a significant role. Epiphyseal injuries are obviously unique to this age group, and damage to ...
They occur rarely and often are not easily detectable on radiographs. Suspicion of this injury usually arises when an infant demonstrates immobility of the affected extremity or painful mobility ...
Injuries of the ACL with open physes (Figure ... where there is potential for premature epiphyseal growth plate closure and subsequent angular deformity with continuing growth.
Background The cartilage of the epiphyseal plate might be 2–5 times weaker than surrounding fibrous tissue; therefore epiphyseal (growth) plates are very sensitive to their surrounding mechanical ...
Alpha angle, epiphyseal extension and epiphyseal tilt were measured on radial images ... 2 The development of interventions to prevent cam formation and hence secondary injury and osteoarthritis ...