But not a person in sight; never a good sign when arriving at a news event. The search for the rare ferruginous hawk was on. The adjective ferruginous is defined by Merriam-Webster as ...
Last Friday night about two inches of snow fell in the Rexburg area, so after cleaning my driveway I headed out Saturday morning to the Mud Lake area to look for some wildlife to photograph. As I hit ...
“For nearly 250 years, we called the bald eagle the national bird when it wasn’t,” said Jack Davis, co-chair of the National ...
For years I have inaccurately called ... one hawk make several dives toward the cat only to return to the same branch. A few times I have also located rough-legged hawks with the ferruginous.
The ferruginous hawk continued at Morris Island in Chatham, where other sightings included 5 piping plovers, 2 semipalmated plovers, 40 red knots, 350 sanderlings, and 4 Northern harriers. The spotted ...
The recent cold weather snap and heavy winds from Canada probably helped bring this rare hawk to our area and folks aren't missing their photo opportunities. Morris Island in Chatham was buzzing with ...
The NFL is trialing Sony's Hawk-Eye technology to replace the traditional chain gang for first-down measurements. This system, which uses AI and high-resolution cameras, aims to increase accuracy ...
The HOA Board at Harvest Junction Village, in Longmont, voted to exterminate or relocate a prairie dog colony located within ...