An Instagram reel claims that bay leaves water with apple cider vinegar eliminates gall stones and kidney stones in 3 days.
High bilirubin levels increase the risk of developing bilirubin gallstones—a type of gallstone more prevalent in Sickle Cell ...
Dr. Sandeep Aggarwal explained which kind of shoulder pain is a sign of gallstone, and the additional signs that we should be ...
Q. What makes our teeth become yellow? A. The most common reasons for yellow teeth are: Aging. As we age, we accumulate surface stains. Also, the insides of our teeth yellow and can be seen ...
According to him Gallstones typically cause excruciating pain on the right side and in the middle of the upper abdomen, which is typically located beneath the right rib cage margin. This ache may ...
The findings from the PROSPERO study reveal that multiple hospitalizations, long-term disease duration, prior surgeries, and factors like corticosteroid use and total parenteral nutrition ...
Get real-time updates on health from celebrity fitness secrets and weight loss breakthroughs to nutrition advice, get your ...
Stay informed with Hindustan Times' live updates! Track the latest lifestyle news including fashion trends, style guide & ...
As study panels debate the risks and benefits of moderate drinking, conflicting data and convoluted messages leave consumers ...
Here are five simple core exercises that are perfect for beginners who have just started their fitness journey.
A gallbladder attack can cause intense pain, nausea, and digestive distress, often occurring after fatty meals. While some ...
治疗第三天中午:患儿突发腹痛,会阴部明显不适,呕吐一次,无发热,无腹泻,饮食欠佳,尿少。立即行腹部B超检查结果显示:排除肠套叠,扫及膀胱内大量絮状回声漂浮;扫及胆囊强回声,声影随体位移动。进一步泌尿系B超检查显示:左侧输尿管上段结石伴左肾轻度积水;双 ...