Save your money on expensive Hallmark cards, and instead make a personalized card using artificial intelligence.
Ellison and Oracle continued to overtake the database management industry throughout the 2000s, competing against IBM and ...
Higharc, a cloud-based design solution for US timber frame housing, has just demonstrated impressive new AI capabilities ...
The move is intended to accelerate the ALSP’s development of AI-powered legal tech tools to serve in-house clients.
Banks are continuously looking for ways to streamline operations, enhance customer service, and ensure security. With ...
While Adobe leads the graphics software market, Canva is capturing attention with its user-friendly tools and AI integration.
Solido Design Automation was acquired by Siemens in 2017; at the time, it was described as the largest technology deal in the ...
The JJC Film Digitizer has its flaws, but it is one of the most cost-effective methods of camera scanning your negatives – if you already have required the gear ...
Artbreeder is an AI-powered platform that lets users create and manipulate images through machine learning, including letting ...
The Synopsys ZeBu-200 emulation system has an extended design capacity of up to 15.4 billion gates and offers up to 2x higher ...
Pentagon’s test director states that the F-35 program 'has shown no improvement in meeting schedule and performance timelines ...