自《幻兽帕鲁》在2024年初一炮而红,成为新的现象级产品后,国内有不少游戏厂商一整年都蠢蠢欲动,帕鲁Like产品各种立项、低调测试、换包、调素材,即使是连《幻兽帕鲁》制作人沟部拓郎都发贴感叹“许多中国公司正在用约5亿人民币左右的预算同步开发幻兽帕鲁手 ...
2024年对Kendrick Lamar来说是商业上最成功的一年。尽管他之前的专辑艺术性很高,演出门票销售也很好,但从流量上看并不突出。然而从2024年开始,种种迹象表明Kendrick正在向商业方向靠拢。
Take a closer look at people who have chosen naturism as a lifestyle, who prefer not to wear clothes whatever their activities. From shopping in the village to climbing in the local hills, these peopl ...
Building on the video, I would like to emphasize how the educational thoughts of Chinese ancient scholars, chiefly Zhu Xi's teaching, can inspire our way today. In the meanwhile, I would like to ...