The giant paws of a black leopard were quickly followed by the ... Some studies estimate as few as 11% of leopards are black or “melanistic,” making sightings of the animals in the wild ...
The giant paws of a black leopard were quickly followed by the rest of its pitch-black body, but it was in no hurry, officials said. The leopard wasn’t spooked by the vehicle but instead walked ...
The forest is located in the Borivali area of Mumbai and is spread over 103-square-kilometres in the suburban district of the city ...
After the identification process was carried out on the carcass and matching it with the Javan rhino database, with the characteristic tear on the left ear, it was discovered that the dead rhinoceros ...
the Javan leopard, whose total population numbers less than 250, and the Javan hawk-eagle and Javan silvery gibbon. The park has a rehabilitation centre for silvery gibbons that have been rescued ...