Purpose: A review is presented of the evidence behind the current use of therapies for the prevention of stress-related mucosal disease and bleeding in the nonintensive care unit (ICU), general ...
A peptic ulcer is the term used for a sore that occurs in the mucosal lining of the stomach, small intestine, or esophagus. When the ulcer is in the stomach it might also be called a gastric ulcer.
Peptic ulcers are open sores that occur when the protective mucosal (mucus) layer in the lining of your stomach or small intestine becomes damaged. This causes the stomach acid to tear into the ...
Conditions such as acid reflux, damage the esophageal mucosa, and also potentially cause laryngeal tissue injury with subsequent development of pulmonary symptoms. A peptic ulcer is histologically ...
Honey has protective effects against gastric mucosal injury and anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, the presence of flavonoids in honey may help prevent ulcer formation. Flavonoids help ...
1). Examination of the oral cavity revealed multiple 0.2–0.3 cm mucosal ulcers on the dorsal hard palate, mandibular mucosa, and ventral oropharynx. Examination of coelemic organs revealed a ...