15, a kilogram of imported special rice was priced between P53 and P65 compared with the P58 and P65 per kilo a year ago. The price of imported premium rice stood at P50-P60 per kilo as of Jan. 15 ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. The carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting ...
The current human tissue-based study provides convincing evidence correlating hippocampal expressions of RNA guanine-rich G-quadruplexes with aging and with Alzheimer's Disease presence and severity.
However, the autophagy flux and the p62 level are increased in HSF1-deficient mice (Dayalan Naidu et al ... and HSP27 prevents the release of SMAC. Additionally, P53 inhibits HSF1 to avert this ...
Consequently, p62 and Nrf2 established a regulatory loop for treating pulmonary fibrosis with ... and Annexin V-positive cells. An increase in p53 and p21 levels, BAX expression, and a decrease in Bcl ...