The Pincode 700016 of Park Street P.O. represents Park Street post office in Kolkata revenue district which comes under the West Bengal postal circle of Calcutta region.
You can also visit other smaller shrines here, enjoy the greenery, and soak in all the goodness. If someone asked me to give them the top five places to visit in Kolkata, Park Street would easily make ...
Kolkata: Park Street will turn into a fun street on Christmas Eve. For the next two days, revellers will get a chance to walk down the iconic road without getting honked at from behind.
On other days, Mohammad Ali Park remains a public park open to those looking for a quick break from the hustle and bustle of Kolkata. The average minimum and maximum temperature of Kolkata is as ...
Situated on Hooghly riverbank; Princep Ghat gives a panoramic view of the riverfront ... with beautiful surroundings. Known as Kolkata's 'Food Street', Park Street makes a culinary delight ...