现有的大模型无法解决我的问题,于是我自己构建了一个开源工具,用于高效地自动生成提案。 最近,我没有像以前那样频繁地更新开源文章,倒不是由于我停止写文章,而是由于开源商业化方面的进展很大,没完没了地起草提案这项任务消耗了我的太多时间。
python-gitlab is a Python package providing access to the GitLab APIs. It includes a client for GitLab's v4 REST API, synchronous and asynchronous GraphQL API clients, as well as a CLI tool (gitlab) ...
This package includes the Snowflake Connector for Python, which conforms to the Python DB API 2.0 specification. The Snowflake Connector for Python provides an interface for developing Python ...