Meanwhile, the Police have arrested 50-year-old Gjergji Dardha as the suspected perpetrator of the incident. The incident occurred today at around 11:00, at "Demokracia" Square in Shkodra, where ...
A knife wound was reported this morning in Shkodra. Initial reports indicate that the injured person is Shkodra singer Ademir Fresku, who is out of danger. According to the police, the injury occurred ...
A consortium comprising Spanish architectural studios SelgasCano and FRPO has won a competition for the preliminary design of a new tower in the north western city of Shkoder. The tower is set to have ...
A lesser-known European lake is Lake Shkod ë r, also spelled Shkodra or Skadar. It is where Albania and Montenegro meet, so the mountains in both countries create a fabulous backdrop. The town ...