Geoff Keighey's non-E3 summer gaming event, the Summer Game Fest, is back for 2025. It will be held in Downtown Los Angeles from June 7th through the 9th. Summer Game Fest also coincides with the ...
He maintains that Menes was at one and the same time the Sumerian emperor in Mesopotamia and the first dynastic king of Egypt, a crown-colony of his world-empire.
This oak tree has stood in this very spot since long before he or I walked the Earth. It is early winter when MacKenzie, an atmospheric scientist and director of Birmingham University Institute ...
In this short, the British Museum curator Sébastien Rey untangles an intricate archaeological puzzle some six millennia in the making. First, Rey introduces viewers to an excavation site of the ...
SCRIBE STATUE. FOUND: Lagash, Iraq. CULTURE: Sumerian. DATE: ca. 2400 B.C. LANGUAGE: Sumerian. In early 2016, hundreds of media outlets around the world reported that ...