Thank you again for your service. If you are sending a Letter To the Editor, please be sure to follow these rules: Letters have a firm 200-word limit and will be edited for grammar, clarity and ...
There’s a certain joy to having a campus celebrity. Personally, I find it oddly thrilling whenever I spot a notable figure while walking in between classes. It’s honestly heartwarming to see the same ...
To get one, go to the subscriptions page. I am writing to thank the unknown person who so kindly and anonymously found my checkbook, which must have fallen out of my pocketbook at Bayside Bowl ...
Have you just received the promotion letter in your inbox? The first step after receiving the mail is to structure an effective thank you letter for promotion. With the advancement in the designation, ...
Mr. David M. Litman regards Professor Benjamin Robinson’s letter, in response to a Jewish student’s defense of Israel’s genocidal policies, as full of straw-man arguments and ad hominem attacks, ...
They are entrepreneurs looking to make a buck in times where eggs cost $2.50 a dozen. Vicki is obviously distraught over the subject of sexually explicit material being sold in Sheridan. But they ...
Thank you officers — then and now — for ... We encourage readers to express their views about public issues. Letters to the editor are subject to editing for brevity and clarity.
Congratulations, Kathy, for a terrific job during your time as commissioner, and thank you for your service. Enjoy your free time now that you have gotten your life back, and I look forward to ...
I want to send a thank you out to all who have reached out and helped my family. It has been a struggle with the loss of my husband and father to our 5 children. The love I have felt during this ...