was taken down by an OpenAI crawler bot. The bot was sending download requests for each of the hundreds of thousands of pieces of data that were for sale, and the CEO explained that it was ...
Right, then—on with the show! Twitter bots get a bad rap sometimes, which is understandable, given that many of these automated accounts were created to spew spam, manipulate opinion ...
4 post on X, formerly Twitter. The user attached an answer by Grok, X’s generative artificial intelligence chatbot, which provided a supposed precedent for such an action. The query that ...
The Plant Bot is an open-source, Internet-enabled plant monitor powered by the ESP32-C3 microcontroller and integrating a corrosion-resistant capacitive moisture soil sensor and a pump driver on a ...
The company is planning to make Mirumi available through a crowdfunding campaign launching in mid-2025, with color options including pink and gray fur and pricing expected to be around $70. Like ...
In the past week, an account named “Liv” has inspired a lot of hand-wringing on social media. She’s a “proud Black queer momma of 2 & truth-teller” and “your realest source for life ...