"It seems that we are really close to the origin of the bacteria." A Stone Age hunter-gatherer who lived in present-day ...
The decade from 536 to 546 AD was only the beginning: in fact, there were Other volcanic eruptions In 540 and 547 that a very serious situation already went to worsen, which in addition to the drastic ...
On February 7, 1900, Chinese American lumberyard owner Wong Chut King fell ill. When he died a few weeks later, in March, an ...
The Wound Man first appeared sometime around the 15 th century in books related to surgery. By displaying the variety of ...
Explore the gut-brain axis - how the trillions of microbes in your gut influence your mood and mental wellbeing.
Bacterial genomics is a scientific discipline that concerns the genome, encompassing the entire hereditary information, of bacteria. Bacterial genomics can, for example, be used to study bacterial ...
Black rats often live close to humans and feed on stored produce such as grain. The fleas move from rats to humans who become infected by Y. pestis when the fleas bite. The bacteria move quickly from ...
Oregon resident thought to have caught bubonic plague from their cat - A rare case of the plague has been confirmed in an ...