Mote Marine Laboratory is an Equal Opportunity Employer and actively seeks to diversify its work force. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color ...
Only weighing around half a pound and growing to be 9 inches (23 centimeters) long on average, sergeant major are considered a smaller reef fish. Highly social fish, sergeant major travel in schools ...
Yellow tangs hang out in small schools of fish that sometimes include other species. Yellow tangs are entirely yellow in color. They’re round and flat with long dorsal and pectoral fins. These tangs ...
Olive rockfish can grow up to 24 inches (61 centimeters) long. Olive rockfish have an elongated, greenish-gray dorsal side adorned with yellow spots, while their fins and tail stand out in a vibrant ...
Peppermint shrimp spawn every 10-14 days. Among coral communities and rocky areas with plenty of hiding spaces, peppermint shrimp exist in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
This species has been known to eat their own kind. Lionfish are native to the Indo-Pacific region but have been traveling to non-native waters in recent years. They can be found in bays, estuaries, ...
This species of fish can swim in marine and brackish (the mix of salt and fresh) water. In the western Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, the silver jenny inhabits estuaries, beaches, ...
Silky sharks can live up to 30 years. The silky shark feeds on schooling fish, particularly tuna. They also eat mullet, mackerel, porcupinefish, cephalopods (squid and octopus), and sometimes crabs.
Florida pompano can swim up to 230 feet (70 meters) deep. In the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, Florida pompano can be found near coastlines, coral reefs, estuaries, and other sandy ...
Out of the 24 North American pipefish species, the Gulf pipefish is the only one that will enter freshwater areas. Gulf pipefish inhabit highly vegetated areas in shallow coastal waters. They can be ...
Bonnethead sharks feed primarily on mollusks, small fishes, crabs and shrimp. Bonnethead sharks live in the warm coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and off the Pacific ...
Research suggests that these urchins can eat other urchins when their preferred foods, such as kelp, are not available. This urchin's test, or protective covering, can grow to 1.6 inches (40 ...