Unable to refute the actual historical facts above because the historical facts are irrefutable, the usual crackpots mock Irish patriotism and the Sinn fein movement in an effort to ruin the thread.
U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday said the United States did not need Canadian oil, gas, autos or lumber and reiterated his suggestion that Canada become the 51st U.S. state. I think Trump's ...
Mm. The Irish political community need no assistance in making a show of the country from time to time. Diarmuid Aherne's 'tidying up' of blasphemy into a legal offence would be one such example. The ...
In 1518, a ship carrying the Archduke Ferdinand of the Holy Roman Empire from Spain to the Low Countries was driven into Kinsale by storms. Ferdinand was the brother of the Holy Roman Emperior Charles ...
Which is disappointing because the Boston accent is largely influenced from the large numbers of Irish speakers to the city a long time ago. Same with the Liverpool accent and the traditional Scottish ...
He's one of my two US Senators. Ain't gonna happen him becoming a republican. I'd guess the most that could happen if the crazy progressives stay in control of the democrat party and continue to ...
Someone who had to be hidden for months recently. Granpaw Hillbilly or something.. some guy with a history of having three different family names, I believe. King's Inns must be destroyed. Please note ...
Custer's attitude towards plains indians was typical of the time. Do you think, if we lived in 19th century US, and wanted a nice sliver of land to settle, we'd accept Indian neighbours? Nope, we'd be ...
Oh Christ no, not the Danish or Dutch studies that Parlon and him endlessly peddle to suggest most migrants are thick and criminals. Please, think of the children. Right-wing extremists are abuzz over ...
Very decent man. Did many good things. ...the Maga movement was originally thought to be anchored in the “left-behinds”, but not any more. It is a broad coalition of rich, poor and those in the middle ...