Gareth Davies, comptroller and auditor general of the National Audit Office, will put forward ways to boost Government productivity.
A coalition of landlords and student accommodation portals said flaws in the flagship legislation threaten to stifle social mobility.
Doddie’s Grand Tour 2025 will begin at Dublin’s Guinness Storehouse this week, ending at Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh at the weekend.
Visitors with visual impairments will be able immerse themselves into the world of Harry Potter and experience the filmmaking magic.
WWF, the University of Strathclyde and the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) have teamed up for the pioneering project, which will involve comparing light patterns, combined with satellite and remote ...
The victim, named in reports as Harvey Willgoose, was stabbed at All Saints Catholic High School in Granville Road in the city on Monday.
A major trial aiming to transform breast cancer screening with artificial intelligence (AI) has been launched, with almost 700,000 women expected to take part, the Government has announced. It is ...
The Senate has confirmed fossil fuel executive Chris Wright to serve as energy secretary, a key post to promote President Donald Trump’s efforts to achieve US “energy dominance” in the global market.
Donald Trump has agreed to a 30-day pause on his tariff threats against Mexico and Canada as America’s two largest trading partners took steps to appease his concerns about border security and drug ...
The NI Secretary is due to deliver a keynote speech in Belfast on Tuesday to mark a year since the return of restored government to the region.