State trust lands generate millions of dollars for carceral facilities and programs every year, largely from extractive industries like oil and gas drilling.
ONE OF THE DIFFICULTIES of being alive on earth in the age of climate catastrophe is that we find ourselves in the peculiar position of mourning the future.
He reached into cracks and peered into crevices with a flashlight, hoping to find an endangered marine snail whose shell recently has become California’s state seashell: the black abalone. Seven ...
Securing any rental in Southern California’s notoriously tight housing market is a feat in the best of times. Staying in that housing long enough to create years of memories, as many families ...
That same day, the Biden administration began the process of withdrawing more than 300,000 acres of public land from new mining claims and mineral leases in the Amargosa Valley in Nevada, protecting ...
FIRE IS A NATURAL PART of Western ecosystems, and many forest species crave its disturbance and the resulting regeneration. But starting in the mid-to-late 1800s, the federal government banished ...
The poet Rachel Richardson learns, through writing and motherhood, to defy fear. Sign up to receive High Country News ’ email newsletters and get on-the-ground reporting and investigations delivered ...
I GOT INTO the environmental restoration business by accident. After military tours at sea and in Iraq as a Marine grunt and sniper, I demobilized back to Salt Lake City, where my family had relocated ...