How to set the current scale to 1? - Blender Stack Exchange
I want to take an object that I have scaled in object mode and set the current scale to 1. I can find the current scale, clear the scale with Alt+S, and then switch to edit mode and scale to what i...
versions - How old is Blender? - Blender Stack Exchange
2018年12月13日 · There is also an interview made by Blender Guru to Ton Roosendaal, creator of Blender, here, that covers some of the history. Judging by the source repository on the website the first ever open release is probably Blender 2.26, available here. In the releases repository you can find versions as old as Blender
Fspy add-on not installing - Blender Stack Exchange
2019年2月2日 · Download the latest version from the release page (fSpy-Blender-VersionNumber.zip) In Blender go to Edit > User Preferences > Add-ons and click Install from File; Select the fSpy-Blender-VersionNumber.zip file by using the file browser; Don't forget to enable the Add-on; If successfully enabled, a new menu entry in File > Import will appear:
"Hard" areas in the cloth simulations (blender 4.1.0)
2024年3月31日 · "Hard" areas in the cloth simulations (blender 4.1.0) Ask Question Asked 10 months ago. Modified 10 months ...
How to port 4.0 blend files to older versions of Blender
2024年1月30日 · I've just added the link for the additional info about compatibility and to make it clear that only Blender 3.6 LTS can read both formats (3.x and 4.0). Earlier versions immediately crash when you try to open a 4.0 blend file. $\endgroup$ –
There is auto smooth option in 4.1? - Blender Stack Exchange
2024年2月8日 · Now there are 2 ways to set sharp edges in Blender 4.1: Non-destructive: You can add Smooth by Angle modifier:
How to visualize point cloud colors in Blender 4.0 after PLY data ...
2024年1月30日 · (As of the time this was written, Blender 4.0 was the current version. Perhaps Eevee will be able to do this in future versions of Blender.) - You could instantiate a low-poly object like a cube with 8 verts on the points to see them in the viewport and Eevee renders, but you also need to realize the geometry for the color (see Realize ...
Working with VRML 1.0 files in the current version of Blender
I have a set of VRML 1.0 files that have been exported from SolidWorks. I need to import these into Blender, work on them, and then export them back into new VRML 1.0 files. My predecessor had been working with Blender 2.49b, which apparently had a VRML 1.0 option under the File → Import menu. I would like to use the current version of ...
What is the major difference between blender 2.79 and 2.8?
2020年5月17日 · The blender has gone through major UI changes in newer version of blender i.e. version 2.8. But what are the major technical updates it got?
diffuse_color - Blender Stack Exchange
2019年7月13日 · Material(ID) - Blender 2.80 API (latest) diffuse_color. Diffuse color of the material. Type: float array of 4 items in [0, inf], default (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8) last update: 2020-08-04 Blender 2.91 Alpha. The four values are represented as: [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] by default rendering pipeline. These values may stay from 0.0 to 1.0 if the color ...