Home Page New - Traditional Filipino Weapons TFW
These TFW Edged Weapons are hand forged of the highest quality blade steel of any Filipino weapons sold anywhere – and at great value for the dollar! Note that these heirloom quality blades are NOT made of re-melted spring steel that was stamped out and mass produced by computerized machines as other companies are selling.
Visayan Blades - Traditional Filipino Weapons TFW
Office Hours: Mon–Sat: 10:00 am–4:30 pm. EST. Phone : 203-802-8533 or 203-596-9073. Order by Phone: Please have your Credit Card information ready.
Moro Blades - Southern Philippines - Traditional Filipino Weapons
Impact Weapons; Knives & Daggers; Weapons of Other Cultures and Modern Combat Blades; Visayan Blades; Northern Philippine Blades; Moro Blades – Southern Philippines; Sansibar Swords of Leyte; Igorot Tribal Weapons; Display Stands for Swords; Latest News; Contact; Login / Register Cart / $ 0.00
Shop - Traditional Filipino Weapons TFW
Weapons of Other Cultures and Modern Combat Blades Featuring the Krabi, the 2 Sword Set of Thai martial art called, Krabi Krabong. $
Talibong - Traditional Filipino Weapons TFW
The Talibong is one of the major bladed weapons used in the Pekiti Tirsia Kali fighting system from the Philippines. The handle used to be simple, more straight and ordinary until it was later modified by the Filipinos to be used more as a weapon …
Testimonials - Traditional Filipino Weapons TFW
The blades ( Bolos) of different design distributed by Ron Kosakowski, owner of Traditional Filipino Weapons, is genuinely designed as purely combat blades made by experts from Bontoc Province in the Far north of Luzon whose family belongs to one of the 8th tribes existing in the Cordilleras today.
Hagibis - Traditional Filipino Weapons TFW
The Hagibis was re-designed by him to make it a more effective “killing use only” blade! This blade was made for only one purpose…to kill. Any other tasks for this knife such as for utility use or for Philippine jungle survival is secondary.
Materials - Traditional Filipino Weapons TFW
We Guarantee, you will not find this kind of quality steel blades from the Philippines anywhere else but right here on the Traditional Filipino Weapons web site! All TFW bladed weapons are made from solid, high quality 5160 steel bars.
Kambantuli - Traditional Filipino Weapons TFW
The Kambantuli, at only 19 inches overall, is an amazing specialized in-fighting weapon with a razor sharp 13 inch blade. Permanently affixed to the blade is a beautiful handcarved handle of ironwood, finished with metal ferrule which contributes to a extremely secure grip, fitting the …
Obsidian Knife #5 - Traditional Filipino Weapons TFW
Each Obsidian Knife is individually hand made and unique. No two are alike! Blade Length – 4 inches Overall Length – 9.25 inches Formation – Volcanic Activity: Obsidian is created when molten lava cools and solidifies too quickly for crystals to form. The rapid cooling generally occurs when lava comes into contact with water or