Brooding and Raising Turkey Poults - BackYard Chickens
2015年1月28日 · Turkey poults are very sensitive to cold. Check the brooder at least 24 hours before the poults arrive and adjust to 95 to 98 degrees F at two to three inches above the litter surface for the first two weeks.
Choosing Healthy Turkey Poults: A Comprehensive Guide
2023年2月22日 · Healthy turkey poults should be selected based on the following factors Healthy poults have bright eyes, clean nostrils, and smooth, shiny feathers. There should also be no signs of deformities or injuries on their feet and legs. Moving around freely and not huddled together are signs that poults are active and alert.
What to feed turkey poults? - BackYard Chickens
2020年6月26日 · I was pretty sure most cat foods had soy in them and also gluten, but I might be completely wrong. Having to avoid those two in your turkey feed might be pretty difficult since poults need about 28% protein at the start. Only other option I can think of is if you feed them some kind of processed animal protein, which could be pricey.
Turkey Poults Flip Over Syndrome-F.O.S.-My experience and what …
2008年2月20日 · My turkey hens hatched a total of 12 poults and out of those 12 poults, 3 poults had what I call the the F.O.S. (Flip Over Syndrome). When 3 of my poults were born, they could not stand for anything. They would try walking and would immediately fall on their backs and would kick their poor legs up and around to try to get back over on their ...
My turkey poults keep dying and I'm at a loss
2008年3月17日 · Out of 10, now I'm down to 4 after two weeks. They have proper heat. They have plenty of water. No sign of disease on any of them now. When I check in the morning, they all look healthy and great. 12 hours later, one will be dead. I'm at …
Turkey Poult Identification - Pictures Added - BackYard Chickens
2010年10月3日 · Maybe the parents are already mixed breeds. Red bronze poults, which would come from a 1st generation cross of bronze and bourbon red, have the color pattern of bronzes but the dark parts are reddish brown and the white parts are pale yellow. Golden narragansetts are very similar. The black one is probably a black.
Turkey poults dying! Gasping and laying on back. Whats wrong?
2010年3月4日 · Poults that flip over may also chirp loudly, indicating distress. This condition has been termed early poult flip-over (EPF). The mortality of the birds that flipped over was 37.8% (17 of 45) compared with an overall mortality for this particular hatch of 7.7% (45 of 582).
How long do turkey poults need to stay on a 28-30% protein diet
2013年4月1日 · My Turkey poults are a little over 4 weeks old and growing by leaps and bounds. How long should they stay on a 28-30% starter feed before moving them to a grower feed that only about 21% protein. My turkey grower feed bag says "from 4 weeks on" but I don't want to deprive them of needed protein and I also don't want to give them more than what ...
Sexing young turkey poult? - BackYard Chickens
2018年9月28日 · Except in the case of slow developing toms most poults can be sexed at 3 months and normally for positive by 6 months. Tom traits Bigger caruncles Bigger snood that can expand far past the end of the beak. Can retract into a cone shape. Bald head Heavier legs Beginning of spurs Bigger over all
Turkey Incubation and Hatching Guide - BackYard Chickens
2013年3月24日 · Last year we deemed this the "Grimm Method" of incubating and hatching out turkey poults.. mainly because it's the way my grandparents and their parents and so on before them for over 100 years now hatched the little buggers out. Since their last name was Grimm... it seems appropriate to give credit where credit is due