Common usage of "namely" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Namely gives specificity, particularly when naming the participants in a preceding general clause. It is an element of style used to add colour to a paragraph. The statement can often be reworded to remove "namely", without changing the meaning of the sentence but while losing the stylistic effect, as in the following example.
grammaticality - How to use namely correctly - English Language …
2014年2月20日 · Namely substitutes for "that is". The way you have written it makes it look like you are thinking of it as modifying the verb arises, which is incorrect. These are two separate thoughts, and namely introduces the second one. From the first two questions, a third one arises. Namely, does higher income lead to more happiness? Or some version thereof.
Punctuation around the word "namely" - English Language
2014年1月10日 · 1875 A. Helps Social Pressure iii. 48 The worst and most disheartening point..is this namely,—that the course of modern thought and modern life is set against these improvements. 1934 R. Graves I, Claudius vii. 110 I have mentioned Julia's children..namely, her three boys, Gaius, Lucius, and Postumus, and her two daughters, Julilla and Agrippina.
differences - "namely" vs. "in particular" - English Language
2020年6月15日 · "Namely" is inserted for an explanation of something, more concrete than "that is to say". And "namely" is not used at the first place of a sentence. For example: the youngest girl,namely Mary. Three students were mentioned,namely John, Sarah and Sylvia. In your example, "namely" is used at the first place of a sentence.
abbreviations - Differences between e.g., viz. and i.e - English ...
viz.: 'Namely' or 'as follows'. Similar to e.g., it lists examples, but it is normally used when there is a definitive, complete list. Edit: As @Daniel Roseman says in the comment below, this is rarely used today. He likes some fruits, viz., apples and oranges. 'apples and oranges' are the only fruits he …
Correct usage of "viz."? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Viz. is short for the Latin videlicet, which means namely. Though I am a native English speaker, and I would not find this weird or inappropriate, it is uncommon, and most people would have to look it up in a dictionary. It would be better to use namely or that is to say instead. Edit: I find this Ngram rather informative, too.
Is a semicolon or comma more appropriate in this case?
2020年12月24日 · However, "namely, how well the program computes the values" does not seem like an independent clause (it seems dependent on "Whether or not it succeeds depends on the third option", which is an independent clause), so I'm unsure if it is technically correct. On the other hand, the use of the/a comma in the second option just seems intuitively ...
conditionals - Comma preceding subordinate clause in the middle …
2020年10月31日 · The whole of the namely that ... expression is a supplementary adjunct, a non-modifying element, where "namely" acts as an indicator serving to clarify the semantic content of the supplement. The supplement has the NP "the same stance as …
punctuation - When should 'viz.' be followed by a comma?
2016年1月27日 · viz. videlicet (namely) (not ital., comma before), but use namely. But The Chicago Manual of Style, fifteenth Edition (2003) endorses the opposite approach in a section titled "THAT IS, NAMELY, FOR EXAMPLE, OR, AND SIMILAR EXPRESSIONS": 6.44 Commas customary. Expressions of the that is type are usually followed by a comma. They may be …
punctuation - Should I always use a comma after "e.g." or "i.e ...
2023年7月13日 · The comma is sometimes omitted after thus, hence, namely, and the abbreviations e.g. and i.e. For instance or for example used after the illustrative phrase may need no comma before it. Clearness may require setting off the illustration or explanation, together with the introducing phrase, by dashes or parentheses.