Java Examples - Programiz
The best way to learn Java programming is by practicing examples. The page contains examples on basic concepts of Java. You are advised to take the references from these examples and …
Java Hello World - Your First Java Program
A "Hello, World!" is a simple program that outputs Hello, World! on the screen. Since it's a very simple program, it's often used to introduce a new programming language to a newbie. Let's …
Java Program to Add Two Integers
In this program, you'll learn to store and add two integer numbers in Java. After addition, the final sum is displayed on the screen.
Your First Java Program
Basic Structure of a Java Program. As we have seen from the last example, a Java program requires a lot of lines even for a simple program. For now, just remember every Java program …
Java Methods (With Examples) - Programiz
A method is a block of code that performs a specific task. In this tutorial, we will learn to create and use methods in Java with the help of examples.
Learn Java Programming
Our tutorials will guide you through Java one step at a time, using practical examples to strengthen your foundation. Interactive Course Best: if you want hands-on learning, get your …
Java Array (With Examples) - Programiz
In this tutorial, we will learn to work with Java arrays. We will learn to declare, initialize, and access array elements with the help of examples. An array is a collection of similar data types.
Java Program to Swap Two Numbers
In this program, you'll learn two techniques to swap two numbers in Java. The first one uses a temporary variable for swapping, while the second one doesn't use any temporary variables.
Java Program to Check Leap Year
In this program, you'll learn to check if the given year is a leap year or not. This is checked using a if else statement. Learn to code solving problems and writing code with our hands-on Java …
Java Class and Objects (With Example) - Programiz
Objects and classes are the core concept of object-oriented programming. In this tutorial, you will learn about the objects and classes in Java with the help of examples.